Advise in a Cup

#PackLikeAPro: Your One-Stop Guide to Essentials and Non-Essentials that No One Told You About!

Travel is all about freedom, adventure, and experiencing the new. But, let’s face it, packing for a trip can feel just the opposite. There’s a fine line between overpacking and ending up as a miserable, heavy-bag schlepper and underpacking only to realize you have to buy stuff you already have back home.

So, how do you strike that perfect balance? If you’ve ever looked at your suitcase and wondered how on earth you’re going to get all your stuff to fit in, this blog is for you.

The Art of Packing: Clothes

Dress for the Occasion (read ‘Environment’)

When planning your vacation wardrobe (don’t worry, you won’t need a separate wardrobe, this is just an extended part of your traditional wardrobe), start by considering the environments you’ll encounter on your trip. What’s the weather forecast like? Are you going to be engaged in any physical activities? Will you be dining at fancy restaurants? These factors will help you determine what to put in your travel bag.

Embrace Multitasking Pieces

Opt for versatile clothing items that can serve multiple purposes. Take, for example, the magic of travel jeans (or your favorite pair of travel pants). Begin with a very basic item, like a dress or a pair of pants, and then mix and match with a cardigan, scarf, belt, statement necklace, t-shirt, and dress shirt. Voilà! You’ve got a dozen outfits in your suitcase.

The Bed Layout Test

When it’s time to pack, lay everything out on your bed and make sure they all coordinate and mix & match – bonus points if you stick to a coordinated color palette for that perfect Instagram-worthy look.

Simplify Toiletries

Pack Only the Essentials

Leave your entire bathroom at home – you won’t need it all. Instead, bring the basics: shampoo, conditioner, soap, moisturizer, essential makeup items, a nail file, and clippers. Transfer these into small, travel-sized bottles for convenience.

The Handy Hanging Toiletry Bag

Invest in a hanging toiletry bag; it’s a handy companion not only during your travels but also at home. Keep your essentials organized and accessible with this nifty accessory.

Hair Tools Decision

When it comes to hair tools, consider the destination’s weather and your hairstyle preferences. For a hot climate where your hair will be up most of the time, pack a few scrunchies. If you want to look your best, bring a set of compact travel tools, including a blow dryer, diffuser, and straightener.

“Just In Case” Items

Practical Precautions

It’s wise to pack some “just in case” items, but remember, they shouldn’t take up too much space. Essentials like sunscreen in a small bottle, a travel-friendly first aid kit, a sewing kit, some life-saving ‘generic’ medicines, and yes, even your tampons (and condoms) should find their way into your bag.

Bulk and Unlikelihood Rule

If an item is bulky, unlikely to be needed, or readily available at a pharmacy or mainstream store, leave it behind. Save your luggage space for the necessities.

Gear Up for Travel

Tailored Gear Choices

Your travel gear depends on your destination. For a well-populated city with hotel stays, your needs differ from those for a hostel or remote adventure.

Must-Have Essentials

For general travel, consider packing these essentials:

  • A reliable travel camera (your phone can work too!)
  • A comfortable travel day bag (a cute backpack works wonders)
  • Money belt or bra pocket for concealing cards and money
  • Entertainment options like a Kindle, journal, sketchbook, headphones, and a deck of cards

Additional Items for Hostel or Remote Travel

If you’re heading to a hostel or remote location, consider these additions:

  • A flashlight for navigating at night
  • Portable laundry supplies (travel laundry wash and clothesline)
  • A quick-drying travel towel
  • A silk sleeping bag liner for added comfort
  • A digital watch to reduce phone usage
  • A hydration travel day pack for hikes and long days of exploring

Bonus Tip: The Old Unlocked Cell Phone

You know that old cell phone you’ve got gathering dust in a drawer? Don’t be so quick to dismiss it! Even if it’s not the latest model, an old, unlocked cell phone can be a real lifesaver when you’re traveling abroad. Picture this: you’re on your dream vacation and the unthinkable happens – your primary phone gets stolen, or maybe it just decides to give up the ghost. In situations like these, that old phone is your knight in shining armor.

Here’s why: in most countries, you can easily purchase a local SIM card (they’re often available right at the airport). Pop this into your old, unlocked phone, and voila! You’re back in business with a working phone, which is crucial for things like navigating new cities, booking accommodations, or keeping in touch with loved ones back home. Plus, this can save you from racking up those hefty international roaming charges on your primary device. So the next time you’re packing your bags, consider tucking away that old phone. Trust me, it could come in really handy!

So What Comes Next?

Crafting the perfect travel bags, all while keeping them light and efficient is an art that, with some careful thought and strategizing, you can totally pull off. Trust me, there’s no need to lug around that burdensome suitcase or shell out unnecessary money for items you left behind but already have at home. By adhering to these smart packing tips, you’ll be skipping past those heavy-bag woes and unnecessary expenses. So, what’s stopping you? It’s time to pack up, and with newfound confidence, set sail for your next thrilling journey!

Urna Gain
Urna Gain

Meet the witty and imaginative writer, artist and bookworm extraordinaire! Armed with a never-ending curiosity and a trusty bookmark, she dives into the realms of imagination, exploring worlds both real and fictional. Whether concocting engaging blog posts or penning delightful marketing copy, her writing skills are second to none. When not lost in the pages of a book, you'll find her either making pretty handmade gifts or sleeping with her favourite panda bear. Adept with knowledge from research and a touch of comedic genius, she can make you think and hooked up to her writing...

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