Advise in a Cup

Urna Gain

Urna Gain

Meet the witty and imaginative writer, artist and bookworm extraordinaire! Armed with a never-ending curiosity and a trusty bookmark, she dives into the realms of imagination, exploring worlds both real and fictional. Whether concocting engaging blog posts or penning delightful marketing copy, her writing skills are second to none. When not lost in the pages of a book, you'll find her either making pretty handmade gifts or sleeping with her favourite panda bear. Adept with knowledge from research and a touch of comedic genius, she can make you think and hooked up to her writing...

How to Add Color to Your Wardrobe: Elevate Your Style with Vibrant Hues

In the world of fashion, color plays a vital role in expressing individuality and personal style. While neutrals like black, white, and gray have their place in every wardrobe, adding a splash of color can bring life and excitement to your outfits. Whether you're a color enthusiast or someone looking to step out of their comfort zone, this blog will guide you on how to add color to your wardrobe and create stylish, vibrant looks that reflect your personality and elevate your style.

Read MoreHow to Add Color to Your Wardrobe: Elevate Your Style with Vibrant Hues

Strategic Ideas for a Memorable 4th of July: Commemorating Independence Day in Style!


"Commemorating Independence Day in Style" is an electrifying event that captures the essence of national unity and freedom. Join us as we come together, immersed in a symphony of colors, music, and fireworks, to honor the significance of Independence Day. It's a celebration that will leave you inspired and proud to be part of this great nation.

Read MoreStrategic Ideas for a Memorable 4th of July: Commemorating Independence Day in Style!

Navigating the Ten ‘Hard’ Conversations in a Relationship

Difficult conversations about core values can be a minefield in any relationship. Each person brings a unique set of beliefs, experiences, and perspectives that shape their worldview. These differences can lead to conflicts and misunderstandings if not addressed openly and respectfully. In this chapter, we'll explore how to navigate these conversations with sensitivity and empathy.

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